What's wrong?
- What's so difficult with coming to work on time? Don't the civilian sector do the same?
- What's so difficult about doing duty properly? Why create unnecessary problems with yourself? And create unhappiness for people when you don't turn up?
- What's so difficult about keeping your hair short for 2 years?
- What's so difficult about having a good bearing? ( Dressing.... )
- What's so difficult about training yourself up physically? Isn't it good fo you?
- What's wrong with black hair?
- What's wrong with polishing your boots?
- What's wrong with obeying simple rules?
- What's wrong with you?
And many, many, many more......... The list will not stop. I guess very much boils down to one thing, personal discipline and responsibility. Or more bluntly, your character. Sure, I prefer a smart soldier more, but that doesn't mean I prefer someone that has no intergrity. If you need and want people to really take care of you, you must also give the person who wants to take care you with good reasons. Relations are 2 sided. It goes both ways. When it does not.... Things will definitely look bad.
Don't expect anymore favours. Don't expect anymore kindness. Don't expect anymore leniency. Don't expect anymore love. Don't expect anymore understanding. Don't expect anymore .... Expect wrath. Swift retributions. Anger. Screams. Punishments.
Is that what you want?
Do you want to push it that far?
I can take you there...........................
Early is hard whn u muz squeeze in the bus every morning 2 go 2 a place, a job u dun like. No proper duty is bcoz, WHO LIKES TO DO DUTY!?! Keep hair short hard bcoz hair grow fast. Keep cutting expensive. Good bearing hard bcoz whn u do wk, how 2 b neat, and also do a gd job? Train ourselves. Depends as exercise thru force, u like? Juz like askin monkey 2 eat meat. Will u? Blk hair is dull. Polishing ur boots n gettin it dirty whn wking defeats the purpose. If got parade or event, tht's different. Obey simple rules? Wat's simple? Wat wrong with us? Guess they juz dun like the army. Tht's my personal view. Views which of course I did not put into action during my service. Hahaha! Relax! Dun need 2 strict, but dun too lenient. U hve my support, Golden Monkey, from this quiet listener...
Wetneooo, at March 16, 2005 at 9:54 PM
Rules are made by humans, and humans break rules. It's quite a simple theory ;)
Well, deviating from my lame one-liner, it just shows that certain ppl are just not self-disciplined enough. Why go the hard and painful way when you do everything alright and not get into shit?
Some ppl, I just never understand...*shakes head*
Anyway, whatever you do, just remember the reasons for doing it ;)
Zεηιτħ, at March 24, 2005 at 10:36 PM
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