Share, share....
Someone asked me for my opinion on him regarding his "performance" in our company.... I was at first quite lost, as in I don't know how to react or even to think of what to say. You see, I live on the theory that everyone is different and what you do and say is largely due to different experience and background. Therefore, everyone has a different set of procedure in regards to different situations and therefore, I am unable to gauge "performance"........
But I can share stuffs that I live by consistently, or at least I try to....
- Never work alone, you must have a team. Min. 2 person... Ask VJ, he is suffering from that now. ; p
- When things go bad, you did it. When things go fairly well, we did it. When things are excellent, they did it.
- Not getting work done because you are not around is no excuse. In fact, there is no excuse at all for any work that is not done.
- As much rules as you are willing to break for your customer, you do the same for your people.
- Poor performer demoralise the team's top performer. There is only three known solution I know for that.... Train him, transfer him or terminate him.
- Whether you are the top performer or the poor performer, all will be treated well accordingly.
- Leading by example is total bullshit, I say leading by consistency.
- Never expect anyone to understand your point of view.
- Communication is 2 way. So, why talk to a wall?
- Your words are like pearls, but if you give them to pigs, they will trample it on the floor mixed with their waste.... Share it with humans. Get it?
- If you think that you are the best, then, you better think again.
- Self-confidence is an aura, not a clothe material that states your rank.
- People need to trust you to follow you. Trust and respect is laboured.
- Listen more, talk less.
- You must know what you want, not what others want
its so true what you say. btw how do you post pics? i got the hello software already but dunno how to go about it.
incognito, at March 10, 2005 at 7:36 PM
Words of wisdom i must say
Xiong, at March 10, 2005 at 11:06 PM
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