
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Too Much...

Had coffee with 3 guys from my company. Talked about work, camp and oh... the roller-skate girl......( as usual.. I mean don't you have enough in camp?... Anyway, we didn't share personal stuffs too much... so... it's still camp..... ) Down 2 cups of latte..... Went home feeling the caffeine effects... Did I spell "caffeine" correctly? What a day... I thought I told him too much ..... Too much for him to handle? Too cutting, maybe? Well, that's life... The truth hurts but wonder if that's the truth..... Everyone has their ideas and ideals but that does not mean that you can force it down their throats and even if you feel superior than the other guy, it simply means that you have to be more humble.. Long way to go friend.... Mine's juz started .... but you juz began.... What the f@#k am I writing?


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