I feel an excessive need to write today. I don't know why. Too much happened lately and I was really unable to get it out of my system. Somehow, everytime when things happened, be it good or bad, I'll always remember the men that I led. I will always remember Ling Jia Hao who is always rocking in RnI with his fav Gospel songs with me banging our heads together screaming early in the morning at 0710hrs. I remember Elton doing the sacastic shit against wierd people who bothered us with useless questions. I remember Jasmine screwing the other guy for the lack of interest in their personal work. I remember Lee Kok Seng looking stressed infront of his computer, cos he needs to submit his reports on time. I remember Long Ge confidently telling me, " All you need is to sign this document, I'll make sure the rest is done up swee swee. " And he never screw me up once, never. I remembered Kelvin Lam doing his best to do his RnI job. I remember JunHui kanna gang banged..... against the sharp corner of the table. I remember Wild Boar looking motivated when I told him that he will have off-days. You should have seen his face man.... I remember Chitra looking so focused on her paperwork. I remembered Joel telling VJ that he's an ass. I remembered VJ screwing incompetent people. I remembered Jonathan so consistently making sure that the office is cleaned and tidy up. And still will be messed up by us.... He never gave up anyways. I remember Sebas working so hard that I have to scold him to make him go home early. But he never anyways.... I remember the passion these people have and how times have passed... It's the passion of these people that have kept me going on and on and on and on. They are the ones that really got me going when things are tough and difficult nowadays. Thanks guys!!
These people defintely bring back memories..Seems that the kinky clerk dint do much work...
Xiong, at March 5, 2006 at 1:05 PM
better not forget who helped the kinky clerk do the work ;) yeh, i do miss the good old days.
incognito, at March 5, 2006 at 3:49 PM
It's not fair to the kinky clerk, he's done his deal with LBY
Henry Koh, at March 6, 2006 at 1:25 AM
You f-king incompetent MSG Koh! Just cos you've got a diploma doesn't make you any better! Wake up your idea you understand!
conz1706, at April 1, 2006 at 10:45 PM
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