
Friday, October 22, 2004

An End

Well, the Safety Seminar has ended. VJ and Farhan was excellent and there were no problems at all. FANTASTIC!! Was what went through my brain. Well, sure wish that I could say the same for my exams.... Not fantastic at all... Not to my expectations. Sad. But I'm not gonna just let it be this way. Will improve again next semester. This semester is really difficult. got bogged down by lots of work and other stuffs. I lost focus and concentration and not able to perform like the previous semesters. And I knew exactly what went wrong. I will deal with it before the next semester starts. By God's Grace. Helpppppp!!!!

Lost within my own train of thoughts,
Drowned by overflowing emotions and
Defeated by my own desires.....
I'm nothing but dirt,
A good friend of mud,
A close companion to loneliness,
A wild horse racing through the desert,

Not seeing green pastures,
But his own illusions,
His own loneliness.


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