
Monday, May 31, 2004

So.... who washed whose feet?

what have I heard?

"there were 13 people in the upper room but only 12 clean pairs of feet....."

I learned this in church yesterday and thought of sharing this with anyone that read my blog... There was this balding preacher in church talking to us about servanthood and what it means to be a real servant leader. The Greatest Example was found in the Bible. Jesus! John 13 1:17


Was sharing with someone (infact, a number of people) today that problems are meant to strengthen you and the character and strength you gained gives you a strong backbone.... Makes you a better person. Experiences are pieces of gold you picked up along the long path you make down this journey of endlessness. Or it seems to you... But like what I always say, perceptions can be deceiving and the truth can be twisted.... So where does it lead us? I'm still waiting........


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